Don't niche down: the value of being a jack of all trades.


Vol. 097

Don't niche down: the value of being a jack of all trades.

How the knowledge afforded by being a jack of all trades saved my businesses.


There is immense value in niching down and specializing as you get further along in your career.

Think of it like this: if you had a rare liver disease, would you go to your family practice doctor for treatment, or would you seek out a liver specialist?

But, you must first go wide before you go deep. Let's talk about why first being a jack of all trades is incredibly valuable for your creative practice.

Leading up to the pandemic, it was my goal to pivot Vicarel Studios into painting more murals.

I love branding and packaging, but I wanted to be doing more work with my hands and spend less time at my computer. And, it worked! 2020 was slated to be the best year of murals yet.

Then the pandemic hit.

I lost $50,000 of work in one week.


But, did my business fail? No. Far from it, actually.

Thankfully, I have acquired a wide array of skill sets over the years, and Vicarel Studios is able to be flexible in our service offerings. We may have lost a ton of mural work, but we were able to pivot back into branding, more standard graphic design, web design, affiliate marketing, and a handful of other service-based offerings.

I owe all of this to previously leaning into being a jack of all trades before I chose to niche down.

Being a jack of all trades prior to niching down is valuable for 5 reasons:

  1. Teaches you what you do and do not like in your industry.

  2. Enables you to be a more versatile designer and problem solver.

  3. Helps you be a more knowledgeable communicator.

  4. Easier to diversify your income streams.

  5. You can experiment and play

1) Experimenting with being a jack of all trades teaches you what you do and do not like.

How would you know what you do or don't like if you never try it in the first place? It's imperative to try a little bit of everything in the world of graphic design in order to truly have the perspective to know what you might one day specialize in.

2) A jack of all trades is a more versatile designer and problem solver.

Being able to offer a wide range of graphic design services can increase your marketability and appeal to a wider range of clients and industries. Through understanding a wide array of creative skills, you're able to "see the big picture" better than someone who is more narrowly focused. This big picture thinking is imperative for creative directors, and it will enable you to act as a better consultant for your clients.

Additionally, by combining different techniques, styles and skills, you can create unique and innovative design styles or solutions that set you apart from others in the graphic design industry.

3) A jack of all trades is a more knowledgeable communicator.

Being well-versed in different areas of graphic design allows you to communicate more effectively with clients and colleagues. You can better understand everyone's needs and expectations, and you have a broad understanding of what it actually takes to complete a project or reach a specific project goal most efficiently.

4) Being a jack of all trades allows you the opportunity to diversify your income streams.

Our highest paying project to date was a branding and packaging project.

Our second highest paying project date was a mural project

Our third highest paying project was a branding and strategy project.

Over my career I've done photo, video, animation, modeling, teaching, acting, web design, graphic design, illustration, mural painting, sign painting, influencer marketing, product sales... the list goes on.

Through first being a jack of all trades and understanding what I like and what is most profitable, I've been able to leverage various skills and services to contribute to a diverse set of income streams.

5) As a jack of all trades, you can experiment and play more, which is fun!

Trying a little bit of everything is FUN! I have found so much joy through the process of learning, trying, and experimenting in my career. Let's not forget that our careers are a small cog in the wheel that is our entire life. Life should be a joy, not a chore.

I truly believe that there is immense value in first trying a little bit of everything before you decide what you want to specialize in.

Don't get frustrated with not yet being specialized or not having an ownable illustration or lettering style. Most people start out doing a bit of everything. Enjoy the process.




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